Monday, 3 June 2019

Super Powers for Knowledge

बुद्धिः सिद्धिः स्मृतिर्मेधा धृतिः कीर्तिः क्षमा दया||३९||
तानि चानुमतान्येषां तन्त्राणि परमर्षिभिः| 

This quotation is from Charak Samhita, first chapter of Sutra Sthana [1] 
When the Agnivesha Tantra was released the atmosphere was very blissful and all positive energies in the cosmos blessed this event with shower of divine blessings.
Agnivesha was blessed with some extra powers, so he was able to document Agnivesha Tantra, which later transformed to Charak Samhita, the core eternal treatise of Ayurveda, practiced since thousands of years. 
Therefore for documenting eternal piece of knowledge in the welfare of universe, super powers of knowledge are essential. 
These are as follow:
Buddhi(Intellect), Siddhi(attitude of success), Smriti (memory), Medha (grasping power of intellect to learn sciences), Dhriti (restraint), Kirti (fame), Kshama (forbearance) and Daya (kindness) . 
A scientist of any human being shall practice to gain these super powers for being eternal in Dnyana Yoga.  
This is the key, why Ancient Indian Sage were so knowledgeable and powerful. 
Thanks Charak Samhita for this wonderful insight!