Friday, 14 October 2022

Mana Swasthya Jagriti (Mental Health Awareness)


Come..join hands together for mental health awareness and treatment of mental disorders 

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Case report: Effect of Ayurveda treatment on Amavata and reduction in anti CCP 

Dr.Yogesh Deole

M.D.Ph.D. (Ayurveda)

Professor and Consultant, Department of Kayachikitsa, G J.Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, S.G.Patel Ayurveda Hospital, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat



A 39 years old female patient (UHID-20220113117) (occupation: teacher) came with complaints of pain in both legs and all joints in the last 1 month. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by rheumatologist and started immune-suppressant and analgesic medicines. Her anti CCP level on 7/1/22 was 103.7 U/ml with RA factor positive.

Due to insufficient outcomes and continued pain, she came to OP Department of Kayachikitsa, S.G Patel ayurveda hospital, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand for treatment. Based on her clinical features, she was diagnosed with Amavata on 13/1/22. All allopathic medicines were stopped. The treatment protocol with deepana, pachana and anulomana medicines was fixed. 

Clinical features:

Pain in all joints and morning stiffness for one month 

Weakness for one month

Causative factors (nidana):

Diet at irregular timing 

(vishamashana) with guru and snigdha qualities 

Daily travelling of more than 60 kilometres on two wheeler 

Excess talking (as primary teacher)

Ayurvedic treatment: 

1. Simhanada guggulu 500 mg two times a day after lunch and dinner (vyana-udana kala)

2. Sanjivani vati 500 mg two times a day after lunch and dinner(vyana-udana kala)

3. Maharasnadi kadha (Sandu company) 20 ml mixed with water two times a day after lunch and dinner (vyana-udana kala)

4. Capsule Palsineuron (SG Phyto pharma) 1 capsule (vyana-udana kala) two times a day after lunch and dinner (vyana-udana kala) 

Procedures advised at home: 

Ruksha valuka sweda 

Shunthi + Dhanyak siddha jala for drinking 


Light to digest diet with green gram (mung)  


The patient attended OPD weekly and shown gradual improvements in clinical features. The pain and stiffness in joints were relieved. The patient was feeling normal and was doing all routine works with job after one month.  

After 1 month of ayurvedic treatment, the pain and stiffness in joints was significantly (more than 95%) relieved. Her anti CCP level on 16/2/22 was reduced to less than 0.5 U/ml. 

Follow up:

Patient is completely relieved from her complaints and advised to continue treatment with reduced dose for one more month (to prevent recurrence).


Ayurvedic guidelines of diet, lifestyle and minimum medicines for ama pachana and vata anulomana can treat severe cases.


The authors thank to the management of Charutar Vidya Mandal University, SG Patel Ayurveda Hospital for providing support and healthcare facilities. This organization provides better, cost effective and safe healthcare. The hospital provides medicines to all patients free of cost for seven days. In IPD the food and accommodation are also provided free of cost.

Previous published on : 

For consultation of rhematic and joint diseases, contact:

Kayachikitsa Department, OPD 14, S.G.Patel Ayurveda Hospital and Maternity Home, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat -India 388121  

A team of consultants will help you to promote joint health and prevent joint disorders and treat them with Ayurveda.

For more information Website: 

Manas- Mind and Mental Health 

For consultation of mental health and psychiatric disorders, contact:

Kayachikitsa Department, OPD 14, S.G.Patel Ayurveda Hospital and Maternity Home, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat -India 388121  

A team of consultants will help you to promote mental health and prevent psychiatric disorders and treat them with Ayurveda.

For more information Website: 

Mind in Ayurveda

The concept of mind in Ayurveda and in Indian knowledge systems is comprehensively described in the article. This article is available on the following link:

The article also covers information about mental health.

#Read&know better







Monday, 3 June 2019

Super Powers for Knowledge

बुद्धिः सिद्धिः स्मृतिर्मेधा धृतिः कीर्तिः क्षमा दया||३९||
तानि चानुमतान्येषां तन्त्राणि परमर्षिभिः| 

This quotation is from Charak Samhita, first chapter of Sutra Sthana [1] 
When the Agnivesha Tantra was released the atmosphere was very blissful and all positive energies in the cosmos blessed this event with shower of divine blessings.
Agnivesha was blessed with some extra powers, so he was able to document Agnivesha Tantra, which later transformed to Charak Samhita, the core eternal treatise of Ayurveda, practiced since thousands of years. 
Therefore for documenting eternal piece of knowledge in the welfare of universe, super powers of knowledge are essential. 
These are as follow:
Buddhi(Intellect), Siddhi(attitude of success), Smriti (memory), Medha (grasping power of intellect to learn sciences), Dhriti (restraint), Kirti (fame), Kshama (forbearance) and Daya (kindness) . 
A scientist of any human being shall practice to gain these super powers for being eternal in Dnyana Yoga.  
This is the key, why Ancient Indian Sage were so knowledgeable and powerful. 
Thanks Charak Samhita for this wonderful insight! 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Glory of IPGT & RA,GAU,Jamnagar

An article on the glory of Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University,Jamnagar has been published in Indian express. Please read it. We are proud to be a student of this institution.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Rasayana-Quality of Life Book Published

Dear All
I am happy to convey you that my first book entitled

Improve Quality of Life with Ayurvedic Rasayana(Rejuvenation therapy)

 book based on PhD research work has been published.
The details  are available on the following link .
Please visit the same and give your remarks.
Thanking you...

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Effect of Virechana on weight in managing Obesity

For consultation of obesity, diabetes and metabolic diseases, contact:

Kayachikitsa Department, OPD 14, S.G.Patel Ayurveda Hospital and Maternity Home, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat -India 388121  

A team of consultants will help you to prevent weight gain, metabolic diseases, reverse pathologies and treat them with Ayurveda.

For more information Website:  

Previous research:
Effect of Virechana Karma on reduction of weight in management of obesity
Dr.Yogesh Deole, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa
GJ Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New VV Nagar.
The incidence of Obesity is high on rise in India. A report states that almost 65% of adult urban Indians are-either overweight or obese or have abdominal obesity. [1] Atisthaulya is enlisted among the eight dosha in Ayurveda. All the classical texts have given due importance to this disorder in reference to the Apataropana / Langhan Upkrama. Moreover Obesity is the leading cause for co-morbid diseases like dyslipidemia, Diabetes, Cardio-vascular disorders including Hypertension, PCOD, Infertility, Osteoarthritis, etc. Many patients are being advised to reduce weight to get freed from their sufferings.
Ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhita,[2], [3], [4] Ashtanga Hridaya have prescribed Samshodhana Chikitsa for the treatment of Santarpanajanya diseases like Sthaulya. Vamana, Virechana, Lekhaniya Basti are the most common procedures to be advised in Obesity. Considering the co-morbidity of cardio-vascular diseases like Hypertension; convenience to the busy patients, Virechana can be the safest procedure for elimination of Doshas in Atisthaulya. A research is being conducted to study the effect of Virechana Procedure on overweight and obese patients.
 Aims and Objectives
The present research is aimed to study the effect of Virechana on reducing weight and BMI of the obese patients.
Material and Methods
Patients from the OPD and IPD of SG Patel Ayurveda Hospital are being studied under the present research trial.
Inclusion criteria:
1.      Overweight and Obese patients with BMI above 25 are included for the study irrespective of their sex, religion, occupation.
2.      Patients between the age of 16 years to 70 years are included.
Exclusion criteria:
1.      Patients not fulfilling the inclusion criteria, with any other serious systemic illness and who are not suitable for Virechana as per the classics are excluded.
Classical Virechana Procedure including Deepana-Pachana, followed by Abhyanatara Snehapana ( Mahatiktaka Ghrita, Panchatikta Ghrita, Phala Ghrita, Dadimadi Ghrita as per the co-morbid disease) until (Samyak Snigdha Lakhana are observed), VIrechana and Samsarjana Krama is followed. The patients were advised to follow a stipulated diet and lifestyle during Virechana schedule of average 15 days.
Assessment criteria:
Weight in Kg., Body Mass Index ( kg/m2), and subjective feeling of well being are assesses before and after the Virechana Procedure.
       Observation and Results
Table 1: Data of 25 patients of Obesity
Age ( in years)
Weight ( kg) Before Treatment
Weight( kg) After Treatment
Snehapana Dose (ml)
Virechana Vega
Weight Loss after deepana- pachana 
Weight Loss after Snehapana 
Weight Loss after Virechana  
Weight Loss after Samsarjana  
Total weight loss  
BMI Before Treatment
BMI After Treatment
% improvement in BMI

Table 2: Statistical Analysis
Mean ± SD
T value


82.45 ± 195.83
77.37 ± 175.81
32.57 ±19.16
30.57± 19.08
Graph 1 : Weight loss pattern during Virechana
Total 24 patients are enrolled in the present study, out of which 15 were female and 09 were male. The observations and results of the treatment are shown in the tables 1 and 2.  The pattern of weight loss during the procedure is shown in graph 1.
The observations show that    there is a steady weight loss pattern after deepna-pachana ( average 3 days, 1.22 kg), the weight further reduces after Snehapana ( after avg.5 days,1.52 kg) and it further continues to decrease after virechana( after 4 days including vishrama of 3 days, 1.91 kg). It decreases minimally after sansarjana krama. Thus after the treatment of Nearly 15 days of Virechana schedule, average 5.08 kg weight loss is observed. Some patients reported pain in abdomen, burning sensation in abdomen after taking Virechana yoga, which was reduced after Virechana was over and needful treatment of Anulomana.     
The mode of action of Virechana in reducing the weight needs to be discussed. Sthaulya is predominantly a Rasaja Vikara as per Sushruta. Charaka states it as a Medoja vikara. Agnimandya at the level of Rasa and Meda dhatu is the important  factor which needs to be corrected. Virechana is the Shodhana procedure which corrects the Agni at gross level as well as Dhatu level. As observed the Deepana Pachana drugs can remove the obstruction at the Dhatu, followed by Snehapana which can dissolve the Meda dhatu dosha ( mainly circulating fats). These wastes can further be eliminated by Virechana procedure. The dissolving of fat into fat is a topic of further study. Moreover Virechana can give additional benefits of feeling of well being in sense organs, elimination of doshas from body, Good sleep,  correction of appetite and digestion.
From the study, it can be stated that Virechana procedure is helpful in reducing he weight of the obese patients.
The authors are highly thankful the management of CVM and SG Patel Ayurveda Hospital, staff of Department of Panchakarma including Head Prof.MK Vyas and Dr.Kundan Chaudhury for their support in the procedure. The authors are also thankful to Dr.Somraj Kharche,Lecturer,Department of Kayachikitsa for help. The authors admire the help of Dr.Pradnya Chauhan in recording the data of patients.   

[2] Agnivesha Charaka Samhita. Sutra sthna 22/19, pg. 121
[3] Agnivesha Charaka Samhita. Sutra sthana 23/8, pg. 122

[4] Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaya, Sutra sthana 14/12, pg. 101